AP & IB Reflection on AP portfolios

Go to this PDF to find all the sample portfolios and socring commentaries offered by the College Board

Scoring Commentaries:

Sustained Investigation Scoring Commentaries Provided by AP

Look at all eight sample Sustained Investigation portfolios provided by AP.  Samples 1-4 all scored at the highest level on the rubric (3 being the highest for the rubric).

Sample portfolios 5-8 scored in varying ways below the highest marks.

After reading the comments from the evaluators and observing the work for yourself, what are your observations about the higher scoring portfolios?

What are your observations about the lower scoring portfolios?

Please choose four different sentences/statements made by four different artists that are your favorite and/or your least favorite. This can be from any of the sample portfolios.  You can copy and paste the statement into you document.  Explain why these statements are well-conceived or could be improved and explain why you take this position on their words.

Please choose four different comments made by the evaluators. This can be from any of the sample portfolios.  You can copy and paste the comment into you document.  Briefly explain your agreement or disagreement with their comment and why you agree or disagree.


This assignment can be typed up on a Google Doc or Word Doc and uploaded to Canvas (PDF preferred but not required).  Or you can use the text entry method offered by Canvas.

Here is a PDF of the above text 

AP and IB Reflection on AP Portfolios Provided by College Board


Here is a Word Doc you can download of this text:

AP and IB Reflection on AP Portfolios Provided by College Board


Here is Google Doc of the text:
