There is a menu of options for Free Choice Digital. See below
Option 1: Straight Digital Photos
Turn in 25 well composed digital photos with basic editing (no before edit images or screen shots required)
These must not be from any these digital assignments: Line, Texture, Shape, Portrait, Scavenger Hunts, or Motion
Images by Eric Lindroth
Option 2:
5 digital photos edited WITH SPECIAL EFFECTS on a smart phone editing app. Snapseed (see below) is a free app with a lot of options.
MUST TURN IN THE BEFORE EDIT IMAGE ALONG WITH EDITED IMAGE FOR EACH. So that means a total of 10 images on the slide deck.
Images by Eric Lindroth
Mr. Lindroth’s Sample Slide Deck
Maddie Pace Snapseed Samples
You may use new exposures or exposures you have turned in before AS LONG AS THEY ARE EDITED IN A DIFFERENT WAY.
Say I turn in the images on the left for one assignment and then for free choice I edited them like the ones on the right, then that is fine. These two we edited on Snapseed.
Snapseed App
Here is a video about Snapseed. It is a free photo editing app from Google. I highly recommend it.
Option 3: Digital Touch up of Darkroom Photo(s)
You can scan darkroom photos and touch them up. The number of images you will be required to do will depend on the amount of touch up required. Generally this is one-three photos. These must not be touched up photos you have previously turned in for a grade.
Option 4: Revisit or try a new Photoshop Advanced Project
Link here to see options. Different types of effects require different amounts of edits. Be sure you do the correct amount to get full grade. These must be new edits – cannot re-turn in projects from the Advanced Photoshop assignments.
Advanced Photoshop Projects
Digital Hand Painting is ok to do for Free Choice. You must do different edits than the ones you used for the Digital Hand Painting Intermediate. AND you must do four edits instead of two edits (unless your hand painting is very detailed and takes a lot of time, then the number of images can be reduced – see MrL to determine the amount).
Option 5: Advanced Shoot
Advanced Shoots