Mirror Image Effect

Thumbnail image gallery at bottom of page

There are two ways to do this.

You can do a normal mirror effect which looks like this:

This would require four edits.  Here is a sample:

Mr. Lindroth’s Sample Slide Deck: Mirror Effect



You can create a 4 Way Mirror which looks like this:

This would require two edits.  Here is a sample:

Mr. Lindroth’s Sample Slide Deck: 4 Way Mirror Effect

You can do a combo of two normal mirror edits and one 4 way mirror edits.




Photoshop Video Tutorial to make the normal mirror effect




Photoshop Video Tutorial on creating the 4-way mirror effect



Option: Make split between mirrors with no sharp points option.

See how center has sharp corners above.

See how the center of this one below has the corners rounded.

If you do this, the number of edits would be reduced. See MrL if you do this to determine how may edits would be required. It depends on the amount of work done.

Photoshop Video Tutorial to round corners in center




 Photopea Video Tutorial to create the normal mirror image effect

