Extra Credit Opportunities for All Classes
The amount of points rewarded for extra credit is on a case by case basis and it varies for different courses. Consult the chart below to find out how much a particular entry will receive.
Use this form here for most extra credit assignments:
Extra credit Form to download
Restricted Extra Credit Assignments (meaning there is a limit to the amount of extra credit awarded for the below activities)
Event/Activity | Points for Photo 1 and 2 |
Points for AP or IB | Max points you can earn in a sub-term Photo 1 and 2 | Max points you can earn in a subterm AP or IB |
Using the NPHS VPA Extra Credit Form: | 150 (this applies to a combination of the numbers in green) | 300 (this applies to a combination of the numbers in green) | ||
NPHS or off-site play, musical, dance, choral or instrumental concert | 30 | 50 | see above | see above |
Half-time dance or band performance | 15 | 15 | see above | see above |
NPHS art show | 20 | 20 | see above | see above |
Off-site gallery or museum visit | 30 | 50 | see above | see above |
rock concert | 15 | 20 | see above | see above |
Contest or art show entry | ||||
Online contest/show (i.e. viewbug.com) | 25 | 25 | 50 | 100 |
Printed Image contest/show | 50 | 100 | 200 | 400 |
Unrestricted Extra Credit Assignments (There are some events, contests and show that fall into an unrestricted extra credit category. Your teacher will announce these and tell you how many points they are worth. Check this webpage for updates)