Student Choice Assignments

AP Student Choice Assignments

  1. Post-Production Assignments
  2. Journal
  3. Extra Photo Shoots

Option One – Post-Production Assignments “The Photoshopper and/or Darkroomer”

Please see explanation on how to do PPAs that every student got.  You will be required to do a certain set amount of PPAs that must be completed by certain due dates.  You must have breadth and concentration work in this.  If you are doing basically the same PPA every time, you are not doing enough breadth work.  If you are not pursuing a concentration in at least half of your submissions, you are not doing all of what is expected of you. The final images you use for PPA cannot be used in your regular studio submissions. You must submit an evaluation rubric form to the turn in tray on the due date.

 I expect these people to be at the computers or in the darkroom the majority of the period.

Option Two – Journal – “The Journey Person”

This is all an open-ended journal. Your journal will be submitted to the turn in tray with the evaluation rubric form turned into the turn in tray for your period on the due date.

I expect these people to be working on their journals the majority of the period.

Option Three – Extra Photo Shoots – “The Shooter”

You will turn in extra photo shoots.  These photos will be evaluated and given a grade.  They are not like your studio assignments in the way which you generally receive full credit if completed. 

–          These will graded according to the AP rubric. These images cannot be turned in for the normal studio assignments. 

–          Required shoots: portrait shoot or still life using studio lighting and one darkroom shoot (two prints and one proof sheet (beyond what is required for the normal studio assignments – in other words it must be a new shoot)

You must submit an evaluation rubric form to the turn in tray on the due date.

I expect these people to be out on photo shoots a lot during class and/or in the darkroom the majority of the period.

To print out this explanation, go to this link to get a PDF of the file:

AP Student Choice Assignment Explanation