IB Required Assignments

IB Photo – Required Assignments

Some of these assignments are not yet published on the website but are coming soon…

First year students:

  1. The Frame (both studio and IWB)
  2. Extreme Angles (both Studio and IWB)
  3. Four PPAs (on flickr and in IWB)
  4. Two CFTs (both studio and IWB)
  5. IWB entries of your own investigation
  6. Non-Western Artist IWB entry (IWB) – best if  connected to your studio work
  7. In depth study of famous artist related to your studio work (IWB)
  8. ???? others will come up as the year progresses

Second year students:

  1. Four PPAs (on flickr and in IWB)
  2. IWB entries of your own investigation
  3. Non-Western Artist IWB entry (IWB) – best if  connected to your studio work
  4. In depth study of famous artist related to your studio work (IWB)
  5. ???? others will come up as the year progresses

To print out this information go to this link to get a PDF of the file:

IB Photo Required Assignments